A+ Visionaries Kids Club

Top Dance School In Matthews

A+ Visionaries Kids Club

Laptop on desk with divider in classroom.

We are committed to serving our community and taking a whole-child approach to assisting with education and developing fine arts skills. Our club will offer support to children as they navigate remote learning while also providing stress management solutions and arts enrichment activities in a safe, socially distanced environment in compliance with all current health guidelines and regulations.

Stress management techniques

Brain breaks
Wiggle time

Support for remote learning

Visions Dance staff will support remote learning and assist with online technology. (Students bring their own devices such as laptops, chromebooks, tablets and headphones) Students will attend their virtual classes at their own work stations and complete their daily school work.

Arts enrichment activities

Visual Arts
Special Projects

Keeping our children safe

Limited enrollment, students remain with their cohort
Masks are required for students & staff
Students work 6 feet apart at stations
No shared items or food
Frequent hand washing/sanitizing
Temperature checks upon arrival

Best Kids Dance Studio

About A+ Visionaries Kids Club

Kids Club is a fine arts enrichment club with performing arts instructors who are experienced with working with young children. The Visions Dance Academy instructors will supervise and provide support when needed to students attending school online, plus provide fine arts enrichment to keep club members engaged, social, and happy. Safety is our number one priority.


Monday – Friday 8:30am-3:00pm


Kids Club will have two cohorts of 12 students and one instructor per group.  Individual Work Stations in 6 ft blocks.



$250/week or $50/day.  This comes to a little over $7.50 per hour.  Walk-ins are available if space is available and the cost is $65 per day.  Billing runs in 4-week cycles via automatic payment. Holiday closures pro-rated at $50/day.

Absences & Illness

If a child or household family member becomes ill with Covid-19, they will need to provide a negative Covid test upon returning to Kids Club. A credit will be applied to the next billing cycle for any days missed due to illness.


Families may withdraw at any time but must give 2 weeks written notice before the next billing cycle. We provide credit for weeks not used that can be used toward other camps or classes. There will be no refunds issued.


10/12/20 First day of Kids Club
11/25/20 – 11/27/20 Closed for Thanksgiving
12/22/20 – 1/4/21 Closed for Winter Break
4/2/21 – 4/9/21 Closed for Spring Break
5/28/21 Last day of Kids Club

Visions Dance Winter Camps are available 12/28-12/30. Visions Dance offers Summer Themed Camps starting the middle of June.  Winter and Summer Camps are different offerings from Kids Club and must be registered for separately. Winter and Summer Camps provide fine arts based enrichment activities and training bundled into fun weekly themes.

Kids Club credits may be used for Visions Dance Academy tuition, future months of Kids Club, or Winter/Spring Camps, and any other Visions Dance offering. Credit may be transferred to family members and friends.

How Can We Help You?

Frequently Asked Questions

Kids Club was created to assist parents with online learning and fine arts enrichment activities. We felt the need to create a club that would help working parents and essential workers to engage children during the day with enrichment activities and distanced social interactions. We are not a school or a daycare and are not licensed as such. We are a fine arts enrichment club with performing arts instructors who are extremely experienced with working with young children and capable of assisting with your child’s online learning through their individual school’s curriculum and instruction.

Yes, of course! It does not matter if your child is a current dance student at Visions Dance Academy or not. Enrollment is on a first-come-first-serve basis with priority going to children who intend to enroll on a consistent monthly basis. Our goal is to have two cohorts of 6 students each divided by K-2 and 3-5. It is highly important to us that the cohorts do not intermingle and we keep the same students together for the duration of the school year. A waitlist will be kept should a student leave a cohort, and we will replace with the next child on the waitlist.

NO.  Lunches, snacks, and water must be pre-packed and brought each day. There is no access to microwaves or refrigerators for safety reasons. Food may not be shared or distributed. Please no nut products for those with airborne allergies. No food deliveries will be accepted at the studio. Lunch bags will be kept on each child’s assigned workstation, and snack and lunch breaks will happen at their stations.  Visions staff will put a new pair of safety gloves on if a child needs assistance, but please try to pack lunch in a way that your child can open everything themselves.

Students should bring a laptop or chrome book, headphones, charging cable, pad of paper, pencils, and any other school supplies they’ll need for their assignments and online education through their school.

Because we need to be so strict with safety, if your child is sick they will not be permitted inside Kids Club. We will prorate Kids Club if in-person school becomes available again so you can return to school if you desire. If a case of Covid happens within a Kids Club cohort of 12, that entire cohort must submit a negative Covid test result before returning to Kids Club.

We have extensive safety and cleaning procedures and remain in strict compliance with the CDC and the NC Department of Health recommendations. Please review the Kids Club contract for more information.

In order for us to maintain the highest level of safety, allow only a limited number of Kids Club members, and sustain high standards of arts enrichment and supervision, we are unable to extend any discounts.

Want More Information?

Contact Us For A+ Visionaries Kids Club

Please fill out the form below, and we’ll be in touch to answer questions regarding A+ Visionaries Kids Club and registrations.

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